This handsome evergreen features a single, thick trunk when young, as it matures it can be potted with multiple trunks together to form a palmlike appearance.
Mature plants reach ceiling height. They have few equals for planter and large container decorations. Arching, oblong, pointed leaves, 10 to 12 inches long, spiral around the trunk.Light: Will survive in low (reading level) light, but prefers a moderately bright spot such as a north or east window.
Water: Water thoroughly, but allow to dry between waterings.
Humidity: Average indoor humidity levels.
Temperatures: 50º to 55º F at night, 65º to 70º F during the day.
Fertilization: Fertilize all year, more heavily in summer.
Propagation: Take stem cuttings or air-layer at any time.
Grooming: Pick off yellowed leaves and wash leaves occasionally.
Repotting: Repot at any time.
Problems: Poor drainage, too frequent watering, or standing in water will cause root rot.