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  • Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Wilma’ (Lemon Cypress Tree)

The brilliant chartreuse green color of the Lemon Cypress is primarily due to two factors.

The first is that it was grown in a very bright greenhouse, not in full sun outdoors. The second and probably more important factor is that the current growth on the plant is “juvenile”, meaning that the leaves and growth habit of this “young tree” is different from the growth on an older, or mature, tree. Over time the new leaves and branches of the Lemon Cypress will slowly change from juvenile to mature growth. The mature growth on a Lemon Cypress is yellow and dark green and less feathery than the juvenile growth. You can keep the Lemon Cypress in juvenile form by repeatedly pruning it.

If you wish to keep your plant indoors, choose a spot with lots of natural light like near a north, south or east facing window. West facing windows tend to have too much direct afternoon sun so avoid placing your plant directly next to one. Artificial lights (e.g. lamps) do not provide enough light to keep Lemon Cypress thriving. A location that is near a window or door that is frequently open is beneficial to keeping your plant is healthy also. For best results, after 1 or 2 weeks of being inside your Lemon Cypress would like a 1 to 2 week “vacation” outside on a covered porch or patio, especially during the non-winter months. This will help it to resume active growing and rebuild reserves used up while indoors.

If you wish to keep your Lemon Cypress outdoors, any spot that does not receive direct afternoon sun should suffice. A sheltered porch or patio is a good place. The juvenile growth of Lemon Cypress prefers indirect sunlight; mature growth of Lemon Cypress needs full sun. Most plants were grown in a slightly shaded greenhouse and are not acclimated to full sun. If you wish to place your plant in full afternoon sun it must be slowly acclimated by keeping it in full sun for brief but lengthening periods each day until it is fully acclimated. Keep in mind that if kept in full sun and in its pot you will need to check to see if it needs to be watered every day. Also, if kept in a pot your plant must be protected from freezing temperatures as they will damage its root system. If you live in USDA Zone 7 to10 you can safely plant your plant in the ground without damage.

For best results, if you have a good outdoor spot to keep your Lemon Cypress as described above, keep it mostly outdoors and move it inside for periodic needs such as decorating for a party or holiday or just because you want to liven up a certain room!

Lemon Cypress is an amazing plant; it’s a vibrant chartreuse green with often velvety soft foliage and a delicate lemony scent when brushed against.

Exposure - Very bright

Indoor Placement - Bright location, but not in direct afternoon sun

USDA Hardiness - Zone 7-10

Inside Temperature - 40-70 ̊F

Min Outside Temperature - 0 ̊F

Plant Type - Evergreen

Watering - Keep soil evenly moist, but not soggy.

Water Amount Used - Approximately 1/2 Cup of Water for 4 1/4” Pot

Fertilizing - Fertilize monthly





Ortho`s Complete Guide To Successful Houseplant, Larry Hodgson, Dr. Charles C. Powell, Donald M. Vining, 1994
The Houseplant Encyclopedia, Ingrid Jantra, Ursula Krüger, 1997

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